As economic crisis gets worse, an increasing number of men gets into debt every day. While this may be great news for these pervy debt collectors, because it gives them a wider selection of men that they can closely inspect, the men who get into debt are certainly not going to be happy with the way things are going. Namely, the more men in debt there are, the wider the selection of their cocks and asses for the pervy debt collectors, and hence the debt collectors become increasingly nasty and choosy. In other words, the law of supply and demand is at work!
So, for instance, in the not so distant past, these pervy tax collectors were happy to stumble across a good fat straight cock, but these days straight cocks can be found everywhere. In order to assuage their thirst for hot hetero cocks and bodies, these pervy officers have started to inspect men's feet and assholes as well. In this episode we continue to follow the story of this hot straight office worker who suddenly finds himself in the clutches of these pervy officers. So let's see what transpired here…
Check out these pervy men’s wanton adventures in their whole videos in HD quality at CMNM.
Clothed Male / Naked Male (CMNM) is a superhot porn site where Nervous straight guys get stripped naked, groped and violated by fully clothed men.
There’s nothing better than stripping straight lads completely nude, putting their bodies on display, and teaching them exactly how to submit! When they are in such a submissive position, one would be crazy not to use the opportunity and jerk them off!